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Friday, June 27, 2014

Resurrection Prayer

1.Lord open a new book for my destiny.

2.All weapon of recreation that the enemy has put in me come out of my body in Jesus Name.

3.Lord let the power of Your resurrection  push out all the poison that the re-creator has put on my destiny.

4.Lord use Your death to place me in the land of resurrection of my destiny.

5.Lord open my eyes to where there is  great treasure for me.

6.Lord use today to mark an end to the problem that the  world is using to reproach me.

7.Lord let the power of the death of Jesus remove the hands of the enemies from my body.

8.Lord take away my reproach today.

9.You my heaven hear the word of the Lord let the hand of authority come out of you with  the power of resurrection.

10.Every power disturbing my heaven leave the way for the power of resurrection.

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